Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Reutter Kitchen Room Box

 I made this room last year, meaning to take pictures later on - and forgot to take the pictures.

I had made a kitchen room box for my granddaughter and thought it would be fun to make one for myself using some of my collection of Reutter miniatures. I had a hard time trying to mix a paint for the hutch to match the country blue Reutter sink cabinet, but in the end I came pretty close. I found some nice sheets of tile for the walls and floor on Ebay and Etsy.

For the white kitchen dresser on the back wall, I used a white Town Square triple dresser and made a hutch for the top.


  1. I love the idea of building an entire kitchen around the Ruetter kitchen collections. The atmosphere inside this room is warm and friendly and the cook seems as satisfied within her personal domain as any head chief could be!

  2. So glad you remembered to take pictures!
